SmythSys IT Consulting

La web de manera sencilla / Easy way to understand the web

El equipo de Chrome a puesto en Internet una web, completamente hecha en html5,  destinada a la gente que use Internet. La web, en formato cuento, explica de manera sencilla los términos principales que intervienen en Internet.

Además de ser visualmente bonita, es una lectura muy recomendable para entender un poco “que está pasando” mientras uso Internet.  Eso sí, todavía la web sólo está en inglés.


The team responsible for Google Chrome have produced a guide, in the form of a Web page, to explain the INternet (sounds big doesn´t it?). The Web page, completely designed in html5, tries to describe, in lay-man terms,  the main steps and technologies involved in your broswing experince.

It’s a most recommended reading for anyone who wants to kee up to date with what is happening around them, no matter your technological knowledge. For those of you with a more geek-profile, it’ll be fun to see  all these technologies described easily and it’l be apleasure to see such a nice html5 web page. And you can always refer to it when talking to “normal” users.


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